mercredi 5 décembre 2012


A common piece of mining instrumentality these days, the dredge sucks up dirt and gravel from within the stream bed by the use of water pressure. The dredge is operated by the use of a water pump and a network of hoses. Dredge hose sizes may be anyplace from one in. in diameter to 20 inches or more.

A modern dredge works materials, by means of a suction system, which attracts auriferous materials up through the suction hose by a vacuum effect, from the use of a power-jet intake, that powers the dredge. this allows auriferous materials, to be vacuumed up from underwater and processed through a sluice.

The sluicebox contains horizontal ridges or bars, or a series of horizontal channels that act to catch the heaviest particles (the gold) in the suspension as they are vibrated and washed down through the sluicebox. once the suspension has passed the sluicebox it's discharged over the facet of the dredge, and should then be directed to a settling pond sufficiently deep and long enough to allow the suspended sediments to settle out.

After a number of hours of operation the contents of the sluicebox ar usually transferred to a gold pan, and any gold that was gift in the sluicebox can then be collected.

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